Root Canal Treatment

Painless Root Canal Treatment in Ahmedabad

It is a dental treatment that reduces pain from a tooth that has become infected or abscessed. The irritated pulp is removed during the root canal procedure. Then the interior surfaces of the tooth are cleaned and sterilised, and a filling is inserted to close the gap.

When is the Root Canal needed?

When oral germs infect the pulp inside your tooth, root canal therapy is required. This is most common when a cavity is left untreated over an extended period of time. It can also happen if your tooth is broken or damaged as a result of trauma.

Why is the Root Canal needed?

There are numerous clinical reasons why root canal treatment is required, but countless practical reasons why preserving the natural tooth is the best option. Endodontic therapy allows you to carry on with your natural smile, eat the delicacies you enjoy, and avoid the need for additional dental procedures. Most teeth that have had root canal therapy can survive a lifetime if you adequately take care of your oral hygiene. 

When does a person feel he/she requires a Root canal Treatment?

The following symptoms of root canals, can let patients know that they require root canal treatments:

  • Pain;
  • Swelling;
  • Gum tenderness; and,
  • A general feeling of illness.

Process of the Root Canal treatment

We take dental X-rays of the problematic tooth before beginning the root canal treatment. This aids in determining the amount of the damage and ensuring that root canal surgery is the best course of action. During your root canal surgery, you will go through the following steps:


Anaesthesia: First, the affected tooth and surrounding gums are numbed using a local anaesthetic. Nitrous gas, oral sedatives, and intravenous (IV) sedation are all drugs used in dentistry to help you relax. If you have dental anxiety, your healthcare practitioner may suggest sedation.

Placing a dental dam: A tiny rubber dam is placed over the infected tooth before root canal treatment begins. This process keeps the tooth dry and isolates it during the treatment.

Access hole: The pulp is then accessed through a small incision in the crown of the tooth.

Pulp is removed. The nerves, blood arteries and tissues inside the tooth are removed with tiny dental devices.

The canals shaping: The pulp chamber and root canals are cleansed, disinfected and shaped after removing the pulp.

Canals filling: The empty canals are subsequently filled with gutta-percha, a flexible, rubbery dental material.

The tooth is sealed: The tooth is then filled with a temporary dental filling to prevent bacteria from re-entering.

Putting the finishing touches on the restoration: To safeguard the treated tooth and restore your bite, you'll almost always need a dental crown. The temporary filling is removed, and the permanent crown is put when your crown is ready. Sometimes you might get a crown and a filling at the same time.


1. Is the root canal treatment safe?

Root canal treatment is both safe and effective. The success rate of this treatment is as high as 98 per cent.

2. How often do you need to get your teeth examined by a dentist?

Once in every six months if you do not face any problems. 

3. Will it hurt during the procedure?

No, your mouth will be numb from anesthesia provided in the first step.


Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that relieves pain caused by an infected or abscessed tooth. During the root canal process, the inflamed pulp is removed. The surfaces inside the tooth are then cleaned and disinfected, and a filling is placed to seal the space.
