Pediatric Dental Care

Best Dentist for Child in Ahmedabad

Children should not be confused with small adults. Most of the time, they are not patient and cooperative during a dental examination. Pediatric dentists understand how to assess and treat children pleasantly to them. Pediatric dentists also employ specially built equipment in offices set up and decorated specifically for kids.


Pediatric dentists can provide children with a wide range of treatment options, as well as the skills and training needed to care for their teeth, gums and mouth properly.  When your paediatrician recommends a dental exam for your kid, you can rest assured that a paediatric dentist will give the best treatment available.

What is a Pediatric Dentist?

Pediatric Dentists focus on the dental health of children from birth to adolescence. They have the education and experience necessary to care for a child's teeth, gums, and mouth at all growth phases.


Children begin to develop their baby teeth in the first six months of life. Around the age of 6 or 7, they begin to lose their primary teeth, eventually replaced by secondary or permanent teeth. Children who do not receive enough dental care are in danger of acquiring oral decay and sickness, which can cause discomfort and consequences for the rest of their lives. Early childhood dental care now affects five times the number of children with asthma and seven times those with hay fever.

What Types of Treatments Do Pediatric Dentists Provide?

Pediatric dentists offer a wide range of oral health services, including the following:


  • For infants, oral health examinations include a risk assessment for caries in both the mother and the kid.
  • Preventive dental care includes cleaning and fluoride treatments and nutrition and food recommendations.
  • Counselling for bad habits (for example, pacifier use and thumb sucking)
  • Teeth straightening and bite correction should be evaluated and treated as soon as possible (orthodontics)
  • Teeth can be fixed if they have cavities or defects.
  • Diagnosis of oral disorders associated with diseases such as diabetes, asthma,  congenital heart disease,  hay fever,  attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
  • Dental injuries (such as cracked, dislocated, or knocked-out teeth) require immediate attention.

Why is pediatric Dental Care important?

Children begin to grow teeth as early as six months of age when their primary 'milk' teeth emerge.


Humans begin to lose their milk teeth at the age of 6-7 years, and their permanent set of teeth emerges. Some parents neglect to take their children to the dentist since the milk teeth would ultimately fall out.


On the other hand, these milk teeth are the foundation for developing permanent teeth. If necessary precautions are not taken, issues might arise that will last a lifetime. Children's cases have risen considerably in recent years. As a result, it is usually advisable to begin caring for your baby's teeth as soon as possible after birth. This includes establishing an oral hygiene routine and visiting the paediatric dentist regularly.


Q.1. What is the minimum age to see a dentist for a child?

When your child's first tooth erupts in their mouth, or around the time they turn one, you should take them to the paediatric dentist. Make an appointment with a paediatric dental professional at your nearby Haasya Dental Clinic. 


Q.2. When should a child see a Pediatric Dentist?

Because all of a child's permanent teeth have grown out by the time they reach the age of 14, it is required that they see a paediatric dentist until they reach the age of 14. Beyond that, the youngster and their parents have the last say. However, until a child reaches the age of 16, it is suggested that they see a paediatric dentist.


Q.3. When Should a child begin brushing? 

Brushing should begin with the advent of the first tooth in youngsters. On the other hand, expert children’s dentists recommend that the amount of toothpaste used to be very small, about the size of a grain of rice.



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