Dental Implants

Best Dental Implant Clinic in Ahmedabad 

Even with advanced technology and improvements in dental care, millions of people suffer from tooth loss. Tooth loss can be caused by many reasons, such as tooth decay, periodontal diseases, or injuries due to accidents. For many years there were limited treatments for people with missing teeth, such as bridges and dentures, but now dental implants are available. 

Dental implants are replacement structures inserted by a dental person in place of a missing tooth. These replacements are inserted with screw-like devices into a person's jawbone. This implant will function as an anchor for an artificial tooth, called a crown. An abutment is used to connect the artificial tooth to the dental implant. The custom-made crown is made according to the person's mouth and will match their teeth' color. These crowns look, feel, and work like natural teeth. 

when does a Dentist recommend Dental Implants?

Implants are needed if you have a missing tooth or many teeth. Most dental surgeons recommend dental implants as they look and work like natural teeth. These structures come with screws and will replace the damaged and missing teeth. 

Why is a dental implant required?

Dental implants are used as replacements for a single tooth, several, and in some cases, all the teeth. The goal of implants is to provide the function of the teeth.

There are three options in tooth replacement which are:-

  1. Full or partial dentures

  2. Dental bridge

  3. Dental implant

The dental bridge was one of the most commonly used restorative options before dental implants were introduced. The main disadvantage to the bridge is there was a dependency on existing natural teeth for support. Implants are supported by bone only and would not affect surrounding natural teeth. Your dental surgeon will select the best option for you. Some of the features you need to think about while going for implants are 

  • location of missing tooth or teeth,
  • quantity and strength of the jawbone where the dental implant has to be placed,
  • the health of the patient,
  • The cost, and
  • patient preference.

A dental surgeon will examine the area where the dental implants have to be placed. He will make an assessment after the examination whether the candidate can or cannot get an implant.

There are many advantages of choosing a dental implant over other options for tooth replacement. Dental implants are conservative and allow you to replace the missing teeth without affecting the adjacent teeth. Moreover, as the dental implants integrate into the bone structure, they are very stable and can look and feel one's natural teeth.

How are the entire process and Dental Implant surgery planned at Haasya Dental Care?

Here is the step wise Guidance 

  •  A full-mouth CBCT (X-ray) is taken to assess the quality of the bone and the size of the dental implants.
  • Dental implants are placed after the tooth root or tooth is extracted. This is a quick and painless procedure that can take up to 45 minutes.
  •  After 10 days, the stitches will be removed, and the patient will have to wait nearly 2 or 3 months for bone to grow around the dental implants.
  • After completing the basic measurements, the process of placing fixed teeth on dental implants begins. It is then time to try out the new aesthetic appearance and final correction.
  • If the trial teeth are satisfactory, the dentist will fix them with dental implants.

What Are the Benefits of Getting Dental Implants?

Some of the many plus points offered by dental implants are:

  • Improved appearance. Dental implants feel and look similar to natural teeth. As the dental implant fuses with the bone, they become permanent.

  • Enhanced comfort. As the implant becomes a part of you, it will eliminate the discomfort of removable dentures.

  • Better speech. There is always a possibility of teet slipping into the mouth with dentures which can cause you to mumble while speaking. Dental implants will let you talk freely without the constant worry that teeth might slip.

  • Easier to eat. Sliding dentures makes chewing difficult. The implants perform your teeth' function, letting you eat all your favorite foods with joy, confidence, and no pain.

  • Boost self-esteem. Implants can offer you a smile and help you feel better and more confident about yourself.
  • Improved oral health. Dental implants don't require reducing other teeth, as a bridge does. As the adjacent teeth are not affected, it will maintain your oral health for a long time. Single implants allow you to quickly access spaces between the teeth, improving oral hygiene.

  • Durability. Implants are strong and can last for a long time, and with adequate care, they will last a lifetime.

  • For Convenience. Removable dentures will have to be removed and placed again. With implants, you do not have to worry about messy adhesives. 

What are the varieties of dental implants, and why are they used?

Originally there were two different types of dental implants:

  1. the endosteal and
  2. Subperiosteal. 

Endosteal talks about an implant that is "within the bone," and subperiosteal is an implant on the upper part of the jawbone below the gum tissue. Because of their reduced durability, subperiosteal implants are not used anymore. 

Even though the primary function of dental implants is to replace teeth, implants have offered assistance in other dental treatments. Dental implants are used to support the removal of dentures because of their stability. These implants are more secure and comfortable to wear. During orthodontics treatments, dental mini-implants can function as temporary anchorage devices (TAD) to assist in moving the teeth to the wanted position. These mini-implants are small and fixed temporarily to assist in teeth movement. They are removed after their function has been completed.

Some implants offer stability and good oral health for patients who lost all their teeth in the upper or lower arch due to decay and gum diseases. Dental implants allow you to replace multiple teeth. 

Can Anyone Get A Dental Implant?

In most cases, anyone healthy enough to undergo a routine dental surgery is considered fit to get a dental implant. Patients must have healthy gums and strong bones to support the dental implant. They should also have good oral hygiene and frequent dental checkups. People suffering from illnesses such as diabetes or heart disease or undergone radiation treatments and heavy smokers will have to undergo an examination to know whether they are fit to get an implant. You can talk to your dental surgeon if you are considering getting implants. 

Dental Implant Cost in Ahmedabad

The price of dental implant surgery depends on various factors such as:

  • the number and varieties of implants needed
  • the position of the implants in the jaw
  • whether there is a requirement for any additional treatments to prepare the mouth for surgery

A dental surgeon can give you an estimate of the price of dental implant surgery during the first check-up. Many dental insurances will cover a good portion of the cost.

The other tooth replacement options, such as bridges, are less expensive. However, bridges are harder to keep clean and often require replacement and repair, increasing the overall cost. Dental implants may provide longer-term benefits if a person takes care of them well.

What is the success percentage for dental implants?

Dental implant success rates change depending on where the implants are placed in the jaw, for approximate dental implants have a success rate of up to 98%. With proper care, implants will last a lifetime.

How should a person take care of dental implants? 

Dental implants need the same care as natural teeth, including brushing, flossing, rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash, and regular dental check-ups.

Can a dental implant be removed?

As dental implants are fixed into your jaw bone, they cannot be removed. They integrate with your jaw bone.


dental implats is a process.. where we can add a new teeth. this is very easy and safe process. these days 90% of people are getting fid of teeth pain by doing dental implants.. thank you

